American Security Safes | American Security Gun Safes (Amsec Safes)

American Security Gun Safes

American Security Safes | American Security Gun Safes | Amsec

When searching for producers of gun lockers and safes, it is a fantastic practice to stay with producers who need to respond to high standards to remain competitive in the industry. From the U.S.A., which often means supplying quality on a neighborhood level. American-made products generally need to stick to a high standard to stay viable. Here's an alphabetical list of several U.S. producers of gun safes, and also what to anticipate. American Security Safes otherwise called AMSEC, the gun safes have enjoyed a good reputation among gun owners for a long time, the business started in 1948. Being created in California, arguably the strictest country from the union in regards to regulatory criteria of safe manufacturing, AMSEC understands their commerce. They created a name for themselves by getting the first safe maker to get the UL's TL-15 and TL-30 classification for anti-inflammatory apparatus in their safes. They're also the first to make arched doorway vaults - an advanced layout that deters burglary. American Security Safes discovered the high cost of those round doors was sufficient to send them into the drawing board to make a cheap, albeit tight, square and rectangular doorway layout. They're driven to give quality at a reasonable price.

Spotlight: American Security Safes

According to Formerly, AMSEC gun safes are a few of the most beautifully made, using a background to show for this. They created a composite structure, mixing hard-plate as well as concrete, which was then and remains a winning style to thwart fire in addition to theft. As a result of their advanced designs and concentrate on anti-theft structure, the UL tested and discovered AMSEC gun safes worthy of their anti evaluations TL-15 and TL-30, which remains among the most significant scores on the secure residential industry. The rank implies the safes in question may withstand a combined tool-attack by thieves for 15 or 30 minutes, and the U.S. Department of Justice statistical information demonstrates that many burglary strikes against safes ordinary about 7 minutes. To put it differently, these safes will purchase the essential time necessary to safeguard your investments.

American Security Safes has existed since 1948, began by Glenn Hall

Initially, Glenn only started with a welding machine and lathe and wished to construct a protected safe that would defy burglary efforts. AMSEC gun sales continue to be equipped with this focus in mind, and throughout the years they've made considerable strides in technology to stay ahead of the match. One such design was that the door. All these were very powerful deterrents against theft but taken a high manufacturing price. Nonetheless, this attribute was a style of innovation that maintained AMSEC before the contest, and their layout was a norm against which others were measured.

Since the requirement for safes climbed, American Security needed to create their safes cheaper for the frequent man. The doorway was redesigned into a square shape to accommodate while keeping a high degree of safety for your consumer. This necessary other modifications to the bolt function to maintain the standard of safety, this all happened during the 1960's. Throughout the 90's, AMSEC was the very first business in the U.S. to obtain the UL's burglar evaluation, which was before the competition. In reality, not many manufacturers trouble with this high level of safety, maintaining AMSEC's concern for burglary before most manufacturers for this very day, with few exceptions.

American Security Safes is nevertheless pushing their generation into a voluntary higher benchmark. Another example is the way they subject their digital locks the principle known as, Mil 0202-Method 106, that can be a military-grade standard to test for electronic equipment reliability. At this date, AMSEC gun safes are made using the very best in welding building techniques, and the provider is churning out over 600k safes/year, from Fontana, CA. When you purchase AMSEC gun safes, you are going to be treated to cheap quality and scratch-resistant insides, with rifle racks, shelves and a great deal of room. They also offer you a fantastic No price guarantee - no price for transport, repair, replacement in case of a burglary fire or attempt.

For over sixty years, the world's best-known provider of security safes and gun safes American Security has been making a broad array of the best safes right here in the USA. American Security Safes combine concrete blends with thick, hardened steel alloy plates, and carefully designed locking mechanisms, American Security gun safes present an impressive challenge to the most experienced burglar and protect the contents against fire. American Security Gun Safes collection that is available at our online store offers the most complete line-up of gun safes, home safes, fire safes, and high-security safes for offices and homes. American Security also offers high-security jewelry safes, depository safes, floor safes, wall safes, and home safes at every level of fire-resistance and security. American Security has been a trusted safe brand in the United States of America for over 5 decades.

We pride ourselves on our ability to develop practical solutions for our customers and solve their physical security challenges. Our online store is announced to be the best online source for American Security Gun Safes and gun-related accessories as well. Protect your gun collection with the widest American Security safe collection in the USA that is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at our online store. Our online gun safe store makes sure that all ordered safes are packed and delivered to our customers promptly and safely. Moreover, our online store offers free-shipping, so your purchases will be shipped directly to your house without any delivery expenses.

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